1st Puppy dog 6-9 months: WR Dogtown Prince Caspian (Prince)! Handled by my son, David
Gulmatico, age 14!
1st Puppy bitch 6-9 months: WR Dogtown Princess Buttercup (Teenie)! Handled by Johnny Gulmatico,
my other son, age 11!
1st Bred-By-Exibitor Dog, Best Opposite Bred-By-Exibitor: WR Dogtown Prince Caspian!
2nd Bred-By-Exibitor Bitch: WR Dogtown Princess Buttercup!
Brood Bitch: Ch. White Rock American Beauty!
Best Brace: Ch. White Rock American Beauty and WR Dogtown Prince Caspian!
It was a beautiful day in Palm Springs, 85 degrees, and my boys and I could not have been more proud of
our doggies!!
Pictures to come soon!